Every player will have a different opinion on the answer to this question. Some have features that make them more likely to be more consistent shot to shot (regulators, or high end barrels). But, to say a certain gun is “the most accurate” is misleading. As each person looks for different attributes when selecting their marker, and in the hands of one guy, gun A might be incredible, but he couldn’t shoot gun B to save his life.

Experience matters

First things first. The more experience you have with any marker the better you will be able to shoot said marker with accuracy. So, if you have a player who bought a Tippmann 98 Custom and never changed and another player who “upgraded” to a new gun every few months, the player that kept using the 98 will likely be a better shot with it than the guy who changed gear often!

Muscle memory is critical in paintball as you are often shooting at someone within a split second. And being able to shoot the other guy BEFORE he shoots you is critical to staying in the game. Some of the skills needed include snap shooting, shooting from the hip, shooting off handed, or learning to fix small problems on your gun when they arise on the field.

All of these things are skills that must be mastered which will have a huge effect on your gun’s accuracy.

My criteria for my first gun

Here are the criteria I used when I made my selection for my first paintball gun.

I wanted one made in America! To me that was important, so I looked for a company that had a really good name in the industry. I also wanted a marker with “kick” when I fired it. I shoot real steel a lot and find that paintball guns with very low recoil aren’t as fun for me as one that has that “kick” I like.

I needed a clear sightline down the top of the barrel. This knocked out a ton of paintball guns as most feed from the top blocking your view down the barrel. And I didn’t want to relearn all that experience I have shooting shotguns from my hip. I also wanted a marker that didn’t use batteries. One I could drop in a creek and keep using, as I play in all weather conditions. I ended up choosing the Tippmann A-5 for my first paintball gun. And I still use the Tippmann A-5 today.

Paint and barrel systems matter

To be the “most” accurate paintball gun, many would argue that you have to be using first strike platform to be able to make that claim. These paintballs are expensive, but with the fins, they have more range/accuracy than traditional paintball.

However, there are other options out there as well, such as backspin barrel systems. These create lift as the paintball is spinning and actually climbs on the air as it flies (see magnus effect). It will fly much further than a traditional paintball gun/barrel combo. Many long range players actually run with these systems today and get kills all the way across paintball fields with regular paint. I have plenty of videos showing player eliminations with my Apex, or Flatline, or my MonsterSpin barrel system all the way across the field at ranges out to 300 + feet away.

Of course, paintball selection is critical for accuracy, and if a paintball gun is set correctly, there will only be very minor differences between them in terms of accuracy. The skill of the shooter, and paint quality is way more important than the marker being used.

Paintball gun considerations

Things you want to look for when picking an accurate marker. How will I use this marker? Is it weighted correctly for my use? You wouldn’t want a very heavy, with a huge barrel paintball gun holding you back when playing inside a CQB (close quarters battle/building) as you would need mobility in that situation. But, if you lie down and fire from concealment, you wouldn’t want a super light marker, which was very hard to hold steady as it didn’t have any way to prop it up for long range shots. Personal preferences make up a lot of this decision.

You want consistency shot to shot, so it needs to be efficient and predictable. You want to be using an air source that is readily available in your area. I remember a kid who ordered a compressed air tank for his marker, as everyone said that was the only way to get consistency from his paintball gun. The problem was there was no way to fill his tank within an hour of his house! But, he could get Co2 right down the street. Well clearly he should be using Co2!

Is the barrel/breech easy to clean?

Paintballs break, not often if using good paint, but it does happen at times, and being able to quickly and perfectly clean your breech and barrel will really make a difference in your guns accuracy. I like the A-5 as I can take the barrel off in ¼ turn with the quick release adapter. This allows me to really clean out my barrel and breech and get it all ready for the next round of shooting.

I also have found my MonsterSpin allows me to take one shot and get kills with it often enough that it isn’t a fluke. With good paint, it is crazy how far I can shoot in a flat line and take out players at distances that they were convinced they were safe! Read How to Make Your Paintball Gun More Accurate for more tips on accuracy.

Your best bet is to try out a LOT of guns before you buy one. Talk to your friends and try theirs, ask guys at the field to try their gun out. People are often proud of what they have and will be more than willing to let you try it out to see if it “fits” you. Then have fun and practice like crazy!